21728733_10214593911905787_7978482330807270377_oI’m totally kidding.  Only because I often am faking it.  Have you ever heard the expression, “Fake it until you make it!”

For me it is true that you have to live the life you want.  If we keep waiting for the perfect house, man or job, I found that you can wait your whole life.  How do people fake it?  They create vision boards, they declutter and they take action to act as if.

A vision board can be something simple as cutting out a picture out of a magazine, ripping it out works too if you’re feeling particularly inpatient.  the vision board will remind you that these are the people places and things that you want in your life.  Apparently, your mind will subconsciously look only for those aspects and your focus will become clearer.

Declutter.  Letting go of the past is not always easy.  but the things that you look at daily that remind you negatively of something, whether it’s a bad habit of being sloppy, a gift from a friend who is no longer a friend, or those clothes from a different size, letting go will open room for more to come into your life.  Seriously, if you have a picture or stuff from an old boyfriend in your apartment, how likely will you be wanting a new gentleman caller to stop by to pick you up for a date?  Those old trappings are holding you back whether you realize it or not.

Living the life you want was my inspiration today as i saw a post from a athleisure wear store that I like, Athleta.  I’m wearing their midi tank dress in this picture.  It was perfect for travelling to Los Angeles for a business meeting and going to dinner in Malibu that night. Wearing clothes that are comfortable, flexible and a little trendy always make me feel better.  I get a little more motivated to work out or pick up my pace, even if it’s just running errands, if i’m comfortable, have comfy shoes on and, let’s face it, look a little cuter than a sloppy pair of running shoes and a sweatshirt.  I find that wearing clothes that make me feel fabulous, keep me feeling better about myself, I present myself better, am confident to bump into people and most of all am more approachable. That last piece, when i am more approachable, i find people smile at you more and you get to know people.

So whether you’re living your dream or not today, i suggest you fake it on those days when you just want to hide.  Fake it until you make it and just don’t quit before the miracle and you’re life changes!


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